1. Controller and contact person
Talousveturi Oy
Unioninkatu 20-22
Contact person / data protection officer:
Talousveturi Oy
Urmas Niitav
Tel. +358 44 031 0472
Email address: info@talousveturi.fi
The address of our website is: https://talousveturi.fi
2. Person register
Talousveturi Oy maintains a customer and marketing register.
3. Collected data and its processing
Talousveturi Oy collects information for organizing, planning and implementing financial administration services. The customer register is also used for the planning, development and marketing of the controller’s business.
The collection of personal information is based on the information you provide, the information generated by your visit to our website and information obtained from public sources.
You do not have to provide us with your personal information, but without them we won’t be able to offer our services.
Our customer register stores the name and contact information of Talousveturi Oy’s current and former customers as well as potential customers and other contacts, personal identification numbers, contact information of corporate customers, performed operations, billing information, the title of the order and the customers’ counterparties.
Direct marketing consents and prohibitions are also stored in the register.
4. Legal bases for the processing of personal data
The legal bases for our processing of personal data are:
– your consent to our collection of information about you (consent)
– you enter into an agreement with us on financial management services (agreement)
– compliance with our statutory obligations
5. Disclosure of information
We disclose personal information as follows:
1. Where it is necessary for the performance of financial management services or has been agreed upon with our client.
2. As a company, we also buy services from other companies, such as IT services. In these situations, the disclosure of information to our partners may be necessary for the proper organization of our services. Proper data processing and compliance with data protection laws have been agreed with our service providers.
3. Where necessary to exercise our rights (for example, the recovery of our claims) or required by law.
We never sell your information.
We strive to ensure that personal data is not transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area. Sometimes, however, this may be necessary to implement our services, for example to use different software. If personal data is transferred outside the European Union or the European Economic Area, we will ensure an adequate level of protection of personal data, including by agreeing on matters relating to the processing of personal data as required by data protection law, such as using model contract clauses approved by the European Commission.
6. Cookies
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are data files that a server stores on your computer. After saving, the browser sends the cookie back to our server or to another site that recognizes the cookie (for example, our partner’s server).
Cookies are valid for the duration of the session, for a specified period of time or permanently. The cookies used on our website are only valid for the duration of the session or for a specified period of time.
Our website contains our own cookies and third-party cookies.
We use Google Analytics on our sites.
The purpose of our use of the Google Analytics service is to provide Talousveturi Oy with anonymized information about our site visitors in order to ensure the interest of our site. Google is the data processor for Google Analytics.
For more information about Google Analytics and its privacy practices, go to the Google website.
Google Analytics is not required for site functionality. You can disable Google Analytics by installing the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on to your browser.
The site also uses tracking codes and cookies to develop and target advertising. The purpose of tracking codes and cookies is to target advertising (remarketing) to those who are already interested in our services. The tracking codes and cookies set to target your advertising are not necessary for the functionality of your site.
We use the following tracking codes and cookies:
8. Your rights registered
– obtain information about the processing of your personal data
– gain access to information
– correct the information
– delete data and become forgotten
– restrict the processing of data
– transfer data from one system to another
– oppose the processing of data
– not be subject to automatic decision-making.
9. Data retention period
Your personal information will only be stored for as long as is necessary to carry out the activities described here.
With regard to information about assignments, we follow industry guidelines for the retention of records.
10. LottieFiles attributions
Our website uses LottieFiles animations. Users of LottieFiles animations must comply with the Creative Commons (CC) copyright protections, which can be found at https://lottiefiles.com/page/license. Please note that the colors or styles of some animations may have been changed to suit the needs of our brand or company.
Animation by vinoth sebastian on LottieFiles
Animation by Shivsagar on LottieFiles
Animation by Deliverame Servicios Globales on LottieFiles
Animation by Monissha Dhandapani on LottieFiles
Animation by FPG on LottieFiles
11. Updates
This privacy statement has last been updated on 01.03.2022.